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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Nutrition Statistics

 After studying and reaserching about  nutrition, I was able to make a graph, showing the two types of foods, One labeled as the "  Good food" which consists of nutritious foods, compared to the "Bad food" group which consists of foods comely labeled as high in fats, like for an example a Big Mac. Why would nutrition be important for daily living? In daily living are bodies need to be energized, and well maintained in order to keep a healthy diet. When we fail to maintain are bodes we become obese, and can increase are risks of having Heart disease, Cancer,  a Stroke, or even Diabetes. 
So how can we stop and help prevent from becoming obese? Well thats were good nutrition comes in, with having a good diet, and eating healthy foods you can help to stop diabetes and becoming overweight.  As shown in this graph we can clearly see the differences between the Good an Bad foods, and we can see how the bad food group stands out in almost everything for being higher with calorie intake and so on, compared to the good food group. When looking for foods to eat you should look for foods that are high in nutrition, and not high in fats. This does prevent from becoming obese and can also help from a more serious cause such as death. In the United States thousands of people every year are dying from being overweight and physically inactive. According to the U.S Department of Health there is 310,000 - 580,000 deaths per year . This number of deaths is increasing every year, and is similar to those who die from tobacco each year. After viewing the graph, and reading this short article, you now know why it is important to have a healthy diet , and how you can prevent your self from becoming overweight through eating nutritious foods. 

       Work Cited 15 February, 2013. Australian Government. 10 April, 2013


  1. I like how everything is laid out, it is very organized and the chart explains a lot. I never thought a big mac was so unhealthy. This is very resourceful!

  2. I looked this blog a lot to. It made me wonder why people eat fast food if they know its and for you. good job with the bloggy spotty

  3. I found that this blog was very boring. Sorry to break it. The top picture was the only thing colorful on the entire page. This post in particular caught me though. I liked how your chart was set up but i is far too small. The punctuation in this particular post is a little poor. You have several spelling errors and a lot of capitol letters where there shouldn't have been. Other than those problems I liked this blog.
