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Tuesday, March 26, 2013

School Lunches

It's lunch time you're starving and you really don't care what's for lunch, just as long as you get something in your stomach. You're not concerned with how much fat those tater tots contain or if this lunch is giving you your daily nutrients. Nutrition in schools have been a huge controversial issue, especially with parents. In most schools students are given a variety of choices for lunch. The most common choices are uncrustables, tater tots, pizza, pears, apples, and sometimes schools are lucky enough to have a salad bar. Even though some schools have healthy alternatives in their ala carte menu, most kids still prefer the fatty meals that are offered. If these fatty meals were to be removed from the menu kids would be more encouraged to eat healthier. Until this actually happens the best way to eat healthier in school is to pack a lunch. Sometimes schools lunches don't have all the required nutrients. Packing a lunch will let you know that you are hitting all the food groups. This also allows you more freedom to what you eat. Eating lunches at school means eating whatever the cafeteria has to offer. When you pack your lunch you can eat whatever you would normally eat at your own house, just make sure your careful not to pack fatty foods or too many sweets.

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